IrAero Airlines OVB Terminal – Novosibirsk International Airport

Novosibirsk International Airport

Do you know anything about your upcoming aviation, flight details, airline, or the airport? Each time when passengers make their flight reservations, they often worry about getting lost at the airport or not being able to complete their boarding processes on time. These concerns may lessen your excitement for the journey and may even result in the failure of your travel plan. But no worries! Have got you covered. You will find compiled information on the IrAero Airlines OVB Terminal here in this post, which covers all the important details about your airline’s offering, airport terminal services, extra amenities, and other things that will make travel easier for you.

Complete Information About IrAero Airlines at OVB

Airport NameNovosibirsk International Airport
Airport AddressOb, Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia, 633104
Contact Number+73832169999
Arrivals TerminalTerminal B
Departures TerminalTerminal B
Airport CodeOVB
Ticket Counter HoursDaily 24 Hours
IrAero Airlines Official

Contact Details of IrAero Airlines Head Office

IrAero Airlines Head Office Address: 139-A, Sovetskaya St., Irkutsk, 664009, Russia
IrAero Airlines Head Office Phone Number:8 (800) 707-49-96
IrAero Airlines Office Email Address:
IrAero Airlines Official

Services Provided By IrAero Airlines OVB Terminal

Check-in countersSelf-service kiosksBaggage services
Security screeningLounge accessGate information 
Flight status updatesBoarding information Ticket counters
Information desk Currency exchange Lost and found 
Unaccompanied minorCar rental servicesAccommodations 
Wifi accessCharging stations Kids play area 
Shopping mallsRestrooms and showersQuiet zones 
Medical services Baggage carts Pet travel service 

List of All IrAero AirlinesTerminals Worldwide

Novosibirsk International Airport Location & Map


Hopefully! You have now received all the information about the IrAero Airlines OVB Terminal. Upon reaching there, passengers can enjoy a number of amenities available at their departure terminal at their convenience. Read the information discussed above to get a better understanding of your airport in detail. Have a nice trip!

IrAero Airlines Terminals Other Locations

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